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Institutional Partners

Private Partners

Thematic Partners



Swisscontact extends its heartfelt thanks to all donations and project contributions in 2016 (Donations of CHF 500.- or more).


Abnox AG, Alobis AG, Ammann Group Holding AG, BDO AG, Fritz + Caspar Jenny AG, Gasthaus Piz Linard AG, Geistlich Pharma AG, Otto Mathys AG, Paradag AG, Roland Schwab Holding AG, Roschi Rohde & Schwarz AG, Scherler AG, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Smet Belgium, zCapital AG, Zürcher Kantonalbank

Stiftung ESPERANZA, Fondation Manpower SA, Stiftung für praktische Berufsbildung, Fondation Tibetania, Greendale Charitable Foundation, Irène und Max Gsell Stiftung, Laguna Foundation, Paul Schiller Stiftung, The Social Entrepreneurs Charitable Foundation, Uniscientia Stiftung, Werner u. Louise Greuter-Briner Stiftung

Communes, towns and cantons
Kanton Aargau, Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Kanton Basel-Stadt, Kanton Genf, Kanton Graubünden, Kanton Obwalden, Kanton Schaffhausen, Kanton Schwyz, Kanton Thurgau, Stadt Baden, Stadt Rapperswil-Jona, Stadt Solothurn, Stadt Zug, Stadt Zürich, Gemeinde Maur, Gemeinde Riehen, Gemeinde Rüschlikon, Gemeinde Spiez, Gemeinde Uitikon-Waldegg, Gemeinde Zollikon

Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Andelfingen, Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Küsnacht, Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Uitikon-Waldegg, Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Wallisellen, Römisch-katholische Kirchgemeinde Münchenstein

Private individuals, families and associations
Baer Stephan, Küssnacht am Rigi; Bally Claus, Engelberg; Bärfuss Rudolf, Bern; Beerli Andrea, Zumikon; Besomi Andrea, Carona; Böhni Walli, Neuchâtel; Bösiger Mark, Heimberg; Brändli Hannes, Meilen; Bruderer Martin, Evilard; David Lucas, Fällanden; de Senarclens Marina, Zürich; Fahrni Friedrich, Zollikon; Forstmoser Peter, Zürich; Familie Grimm, Würenlingen; Grüschow Peter, Muntelier; Gygax Rudolf Paul, Boll; Familie Hanselmann, Richterswil; Hellweger Erwin, Pettneu am Arlberg; Hentsch Jean-Claude, Corsier GE; Hess Jean-Louis, Genf; Holliger Nicolas, Horgen; Jenny Robert, Weesen; Klingspor Daniel, Zürich; Koch Anton, Oberrieden; Mathys Birchler, Unterentfelden; Meier Alex, Horriwil; Meier Bruno, Jona; Familie Merz, Männedorf; Ming Hans Peter, Zumikon; Möller Matthias, Schaffhausen; Familie Mösli, Zug; Muheim Markus, Bern; Familie Müller, Männedorf; Paganoni Roberto, Zollikon; Quaderer Sascha, Planken; Raheja Satish, Genf; Ringli Kornel, Zürich; Familie Schiltknecht, Zürich; Schwarzenbach Theo E., Oberägeri; Stahel Walter, Biel; Familie Stockar, Bern; Theiler Georges, Luzern; Ulrich Paul, Genf; von Ah Thomas, Zürich; Familie von Planta, Cham; Wassmer Rudolf, Zürich; Wheatley Susanna, Zürich; Familie Widmer, Oberwil-Lieli; Widmer Urs, Schaffhausen; Wirthensohn Konrad, Rickenbach b. Schwyz; Zemp Roman, Rengg


"Swisscontact has for years been taking a very innovative approach to development, placing job creation, entrepreneurs and supply chains at the heart of poverty eradication strategies. Such an approach is fully aligned with the Sustainability Development Goals or SDGs. Supporting SMEs and developing skills has a powerful impact on most of the SDGs. In addition, the ability to partner across sectors is aligned with SDG 17 – focusing on collaboration. Swisscontact has the experience and the ability to be a convener and a partnership facilitator in the implementation of the SDGs, unleashing the positive energy of private sector solutions for development."

Dr. Bérangère Magarinos-Ruchat
Vice-President of Sustainability Partnerships, Firmenich S.A., Meyrin, Switzerland; Member of the Swisscontact Board of Trustees

"We have close institutional ties with Swisscontact and really value our close collaboration. Our common goal is to develop the beekeeping sector even further. In implementation, our focus is on sustainability and building the capacity of various public and private entities, out of which the whole ecosystem of value chain actors originates. In this way, we are strengthening competitiveness of apiculture and creating income opportunities for disadvantaged populations."


Orestes Ortez Andrade
Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, El Salvador

Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation
Hardturmstrasse 123
CH-8005 Zurich

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